Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mad Hatter Bunko

So we are venturing out into THEMED Bunko nights and our first night proved to be pretty fun. Ann hosted in her awesome home and filled us all up on yummy veggie lasagna (it's was Friday), garlic bread, a beautiful edible arrangement, and some wicked peach vodka something drinks. We are not sure what was in them but we sure did drink them. There were some great hats but hands down the winner has to go to...Shannon and Ann with their BIG gorgeous deliciously decorated hats!

After walking in and seeing these magnificent beauties I felt so plain Jane with my simple little Target hat. I had originally planned on wearing something like this...

Due to the inferiority my "little" hat felt next to Ann and Shannon's "biggies" I borrowed a different one for my pics. LOL. Martha wore an adorable little girly girl hat that she and her girls made together. Christine D was a hottie cowgirl...giddy up girlfriend! Jackie was feelin' lucky with her 2 feet tall wearin' the Irish green hat in honor of St. Patty's day which was that week. Stephanie looked oh so sweet in her little ball cap. Claudia and Kerry looks like precious southern belles in their lovely hats. Christine H. and her shy cousin Heather...AKA Venus and Serena sported their sun visors on their hips (not their heads, cause they're cool like that!). And to be honest I have no idea what Kari brought with her...where were you hiding your hat Kari???

Bunkos seemed to be few and far between this night. We did have a few Bunko Queens though. Oh poop! I can't remember who won what, man I am getting old. Sorry ladies, my kids have sucked out most of my brain cells and the few I have left are being used to type at this moment so I am not able to use them to try to remember what happen a couple weeks ago. Or I could stop to remember but then I'd probably forget as I begin to type again. I do remember we had a roll off between Stephanie and Christine H. for most losses...but I can't remember who won LOL.

Here are our Bunko Queens for the evening...

My hats off to you ladies, you always know how to have a great time!

Next month's theme is 80's ladies! Get your ideas here...

OK, so you probably don't want to come dressed like the Outsiders. But I couldn't resist posting the picture...They're freakin' HOT!

See you April 17th

Sunday, March 1, 2009

February BUNKO

At last it was Bunko night. Oh, how I longed for a night out with my girlfriends! Christine D hosted in her Giantiful home.
noun & adjective
being of great size and having qualities of beauty.

Being Friday and Lent Christine wisely chose a Catholic friendly The food was yummy and the alcohol a plenty. Trust me; I know...I had 3 margaritas! I have to give a shout out for the cookies too...yum yum.

We had 4 lovely subs this month and are so thankful that these awesome ladies could fill in so that we could play. Speaking of playing bunko...
Next month's bunko will be on Friday March 20th so mark your calendars NOW ladies! Ann is hosting and your children will be excited to hear about how you went to a "Teachers" house...don't disappoint your kiddos by missing out.

Ann stole the show this bunko winning most wins, most bunkos, and last bunko; however, we did not end up awarding any money for last bunko. Christine D won for most losses. But Ann being the trooper she is graciously awarded her most wins winnings to the next in line which ended up being a tie between Amy and Diane so they had a roll off. Diane was the victor and happily accepted her money with a big smile and thank you. On a side note I have to congratulate all of our Holy Rollers for being the awesome ladies that you are. I am honored to play bunko with you all. It takes a special person and a good friend to give up her (extra) winnings to the next in line!

The high tension "roll off"

As we ended the evening I noticed that we all matched with at least one other person there that night. The colors of the evening...we'll, see for yourself...

The BUNKO Queens of the evening

Here she is again snatching the crown from someone!

What a lively bunch...

and a not so lively bunch...(I kid, you know I love you guys)

PS. Jen is really not a mean person...she just loves her tiara...tee hee.
Thank you Jen for being such a good sport which makes for great pictures.

See you all next month!